Some people may be an alcoholic but not be aware of the severity of their problem or even be in denial that there is a problem. Certain risk factors can increase the likeliness of becoming an alcoholic. However, it’s possible that you still don’t believe that you’re an alcoholic. This quiz from the NCADD can give you even more clarity into your situation. If drinking is getting in the way of your happiness, take this quiz. The responses to these questions can be scored and the total score prompts feedback to the person and in some cases offers specific advice.
When a person is exposed to excessive alcohol use at an early age, they are more likely to engage in heavy drinking patterns themselves. Normalizing an unhealthy amount of alcohol use leads young people to engage in excessive drinking without regard to its serious effects. The best treatment for alcoholism is designed for you at a caring treatment facility. Through personal therapy, family therapy, and medical treatment from a doctor, you can overcome alcohol.
Taking an alcoholism quiz can help you get the information you need. Below, you’ll find 20 questions regarding your drinking behaviors. If you answer yes to any of the questions, mark the box next to the question.
There are behavioral symptoms, mental health symptoms, and physical health symptoms that can result from alcohol use disorder. As you can see, excessive alcohol use over time can lead to a number of serious problems or even the development of chronic diseases. Understanding whether or not your drinking is under control can help you to understand whether you are at risk for any of these outcomes. If you or a loved one have experienced any of these warning signs, it might be a good idea to seek help to learn more about whether or not you are suffering from alcohol use disorder.
They learn some of the building blocks that will lead to long-term recovery. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is the official psychiatric term used to describe conditions that may also be referred to as alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction, or alcoholism. If your body has become dependent on alcohol, it is common to experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to quite serious. How severe your withdrawal symptoms will be can depend on a number of factors including how long your drinking and how much you drank.
They are more likely to engage in binge drinking, which is commonly seen in college-aged young adults. Typically, enhancement drinkers also tend to act more extroverted and, sometimes, aggressive. Based on the responses you provided to the quiz questions here, it may be no surprise to you that you have a drinking problem.